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Stardew valley + animal crossing = Sprout valley

This is like top quality

A free version of animal crossing , an incredible work !

an even better version than animal crossing in my opinion

Isn’t it a version of Stardew Valley?

its still crashing :(

free :O

中文有点机翻的味道 不过游戏还是很不错的





I play it on switch and i love it so much( i buyed all dlc) . I want more update  and dlc pls 🥺❤️❤️ there will be so fantastic if you add a story like a town where u can go and interact with other Pets ❤️❤️

its nice but i recommend to put a skip button of the intro, because its a lil long

There is skip option if you press and hold ESC



I can't believe this game is FREE now!!!!!

Cute artstyle, long intro


Very beginner friendly and easy to play with :D

11/10 Just like Stardew Valley, but easier and more beginner-friendly!

While playing the game kept flashing red and it started to hurt my head so I was forced to stop


Hi I'm probably just being dumb but it doesn't seem to let me eat things to increase my energy what am I doing wrong? thanks :)

Hold or double click to eat

I've worked it out now the enter key works for me not the key it's bound to in case this helps anyone

Forgive me for wanting to download this game a long time ago, but for regional reasons, I can't pay in dollars because I'm a Chinese, the game has a very cute art style, and it comes with Chinese, and I love the makers of this game!! But there will be some shortcomings, When I change to not full screen., When I minimize the window, When I switch back, the game page becomes a black screen, The record of the day of re-entry is gone, how to solve it?

Also, I love China!



Deleted post


i just finished this game and i reeaaally liked it!!! its so cute specially the pets :3 but theres one thing that bothers me, i dont know why but chest expansions dont work for me sobs. this is a really good game though!!

(1 edit) (+1)

such a cute game!! [dont mind the name and pfp it was a phase] 

kaminari im giggling (i still love him)

Gracias por la rebaja

Thank you so much for this. I've been looking for a game to play in Japanese, something free but that I find interesting. Everything I found on Steam seemed boring.  I already know I'll like this. Thanks for helping me learn 日本語

БОЖЕЧКИ КОШЕЧКИ КАКАЯ МИЛАЯ ИГРА ДА И ЕЩЕ НА РУССКОМ ЕСТЬ 😍😍(если у меня получится я смогу заплатить за игру тк это божественно^_^) 

Можешь в Стиме её купить, там пополнить баланс пока ещё можно (обходными путями)

é muito fofo, gostei demais !


Great Game!

Sprout Valley Gameplay 

I don't speak English so perfectly. But I decided to leave my comment here because I need to express HOW CUTE THIS GAME IS!

Seriously, I loved the pixel art! That's what made me fall in love with the game the most, lol ^⁠_⁠_⁠_⁠_⁠_⁠_⁠_⁠_⁠_⁠^

I'm actually grateful that I came across this discount! Being a minor, most of the time I can't buy many games. So this came at the right time! ;)

{Ah! And I'm Brazilian, by the way (⁠ >▽< ⁠)👍}

Nice! Please enjoy the game <3

Hi there! I'm on a Chromebook and I was wondering what I should us for downloading the game! I love this game so much and would really love to be able to play the full version!

I am not sure honestly 

Do you know  anyone who I could ask for more info on it?

Well, I am a developer of this game and I did not target it for chromebook. There is an apk tho

Alright thank you!

(1 edit)

i noticed that this game has a steam version. if you don't give keys off of the version, what differences are there?

i rly like the game tho

Steam is managed by publisher, has cloud saves and achievements 


can you put a steam key on here or would that make ol' publisher mad

Sorry, only have full control over itchio version 

ah. no problem

Game is an absolute delight! Cannot wait to dive more into it and DEFINITELY will be =) keep up the amazing work and left a follow! This be only part 1

Nice! Glad you liked it!

um is there a way I can play the full version in my browser? I have already claimed it so that's not a problem but when I try to play it in the browser it just takes me to the demo.

Sorry, browser version is only the demo. Can't handle full game for now

aaaa!! this game is free now!

Thankyou so much! i've like this game a lot!! really,

Arigatou Gozaimasuu!!!


thanks for the free game , i played the demo a long time ago and i enjoyed it :D

Please enjoy 😊 

ive never used before. Where do you find the dlc here? ive looked everywhere but i cant find where to buy the dlc.

No dlc here, everything is included in one binary

thank you

What is the "redeem codes" menu item for and how do I get a code?

Only for specific cosmetic for kickstarter supporters 

im a child therefore i haven't a credit card or a wage or a job and therefore cannot buy this game :(


Wait until tomorrow ;)

its been 183 days


its free now!!!!!! get it child!!!!!!!!


I cant even play the demo, its saying WebGL not available or sum


My daughter made the graphics used in this game. Papa Nooble is SO PROUD!! 

I love what you're cooking with it, Zefrost! Keep up the good work!! 


awww :)


Oh wow! Hi Papa Nooble. CupNooble is sooooo talented! I absolutely love working with Cup! You surely raised a wonder child :D


this games very fun and cute keep making more games.

Soooo cuteI really love the pixel art when is the next update?

Thanks, the update happened yesterday 

Thank you for your answer

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