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(1 edit)

This game is great! I have a question though, is it possible to remove/pick up items once you've placed them? If so, how? Bc I'd like to change the placement of a wooden bridge I've placed ^-^ Ty

Yes, with a pickaxe

Will it ever come to Google Play? 👀 (i love this game)



love the game but i was wondering if you could have the same save files on different devices or that can be in the final game

Steam cloud save will be available on launch version on Steam

ok but will the game still be on mobile


Hey, this question is probably pretty weird, this game really caught my eye, it's so cute and relaxing! I come with the doubt if I could base myself on this game to make a Clan, but in another game it is a game called ''Pony Town'' and the clans there are quite well known, I'm sorry if this is something strange, really I was wondering if it would be a good idea, I'm waiting for an answer, if more information is needed I'll give it (what a pity I want to die)

I am not sure what you talking about. But please no dying :D

Really sorry, im talking about basing your Demo (I think is that so..) To a little server on discord, i know much servers based on games, etc, and im asking if i have the permission to do a server based on this game

You can if you wish

OOHH, thank you so much!!


I just can´t stop playing this! it´s so simple and creative. I  really really enjoyed it, congratulations to everyone involved with this game development. I can´t wait, hope to see more soon >.<


Thank you!

its super cute :3

How would you go about modding your game? Also btw love the game amazing job with everything.

It says it is open source where might I find the source?


Hi, it is not open source :D Not sure where you found that it is :)

(1 edit)

oh in the kickstarter it says open source but I must have read it wrong


No modding for now, but I am thinking about it

Is there a way I can become a dev for the game. It appears that you use godot. I have experience with godot. If you do not want a dev  that is fine and sorry for being a bother :)


Really sorry, my budget is quite tight and mostly for pixel artists, translators, writers and such :)

Oh that is fine thank you for replying :D

I finished the demo and its great! It's very Animal Crossing.

itsa human trafficking time

No human trafficking. It's your friends! >_<


My frog is all i need. M y o t h e r f r i e n d s m a k e m e a l o t o f m o n e y

are you sure it's human trafficking.....

(5 edits)

also maybe add a way to unplow ground? perhaps grass seeds. Ooh and a menu for characters like the ghost, the way stardew has it. u should text me im a mediocre game dev but i could offer ideas. also if u make like a really low effort ending if you do something you could introduce the speedrunning community to this game. does the juicer work btw? Mann why cant u just keep playing the demo, the fact that it just ends (i just keep adding to this comment as i play btw)


Well, it is a demo for a reason :D

Ik im just throwing out ideas incase any of them are things you might not have thought of for the full game

i love this so much, its like free stardew valley. as someone who has played stardew on like 4 different devices i can confidently say its very close and honestly is way more cute. i cant wait for the update where they add a town and npcs :D

Thanks! <3

It wont let me connect these two bridges and then when I went to place another bridge part, it made it get stuck.

this is such a fun game and I cant wait until it becomes a finished game!

Very sorry that you experienced this. But at the moment it is not possible to join 2 different bridges :(

im sure theres a easy enough script. just apply the texture if bridge is touching another entity that is also a bridge. i dont know what ur coding with or what the bridge is called for refence so i couldnt give you an exact script but its def possible. like connected textures in mc

(1 edit)

so i started a new free play save file after i finished the last one and now theres a fence cutting me off from the rest of the place:(

i cant do anything help aaaaa

well i cant do anything aside from cutting trees bc there was a tree and i cut it-

nvm i broke the fence

(1 edit)

uhm so like i went to sleep and my froggy went like flying right out of the house??

idk at first i thought it came to like chill with me in bed or smth but then it started ascending- idk im confused
theres an image you can see the frog in the water. i hope the fact that froggy became jesus wasnt intentional.

now its just standing outside

it happened again

but this time it wasnt going up it was going down

very weird bug but i understand its an experimental build and who knows what else will change or be fixed

(the froggy shouldnt be in the door. also this was even more unexpected than the first time so i couldnt rly take a better screenshot)

(also dont judge the ugly farm in the background even though its rly ugly)

Thank you for the report! I will look into what may cause this bug.

(1 edit)


also itd be cool if you could actually get out of bed once ur asleep

or maybe im missing something?

Really great little farming game! Though one thing, you can actually walk on the outside of fences facing downwards. Is that intended?

most fun farming sim ive played in a while!

Thank you! <3 More to come!

Maybe it's just me but I can't full-screen the game on web browser

I am in love it's super cute very fun and I've already recommended it to my friends. But now this does make me wonder if there will ever be a multi player mode to this game. Overall though it's an amazing game and I will continue to support it through it's development.


i rlly hope the full game gets released soon. just started but read there is only 15 days of demo, which is understandable but dissapointing. I can't currently afford to support via kickstarter but will definitely be following this project and sharing it where I can.

only 15 days of demo, to short, i dont even have enough time to upagre my hause


It just won't let me open the metal box T ^T 

How can I open it?


Metal box cannot be opened yet. Just for decoration :)

hi!!! Quick question, is Nico a girl or a boy? Or are they genderless???

It's a boy :)

When I go on the boat it won't let me say no

When I call the rescue service it doesn't let me continue the conversation thingy 

I love the design and vibe of the game, It's very relaxing and gives a warm feeling😊but how do I rotate the wooden bridge?😭 it just goes in one direction I wanna get to the other small island.

Hi, the bridge is placed at the direction you are facing. I didn't want any complicated controls for that. You can remove the bridge (with a hoe or pickaxe) and place it again

Ooohh okayy thanyouuu<33


after like a day i cant give a gift to luna

i just ate a backpack expansion

cute game! how do I make chests? I've been a bit of a hoarder and picked up everything because the designs are so adorable.  I love it so much and I've only been playing for an hour or so

Not at the moment. But you can buy slots upgrade from the shop!

(1 edit)

Cool! how do I do that? :D 

EDIT: Nevermind, I was a little too silly! I got it! Thank you

I swear, I thought this was a front for a horror game, but it's actually a very good game. Makes ME feel fluffy.


Woah, is this made by 1 person?  This is giving me one of those older web-game's feel so far!

Really cute game, I love it <3

But can anyone tell em if there's any use of the metal box? I get some items are decorative, but metal box implies it's useful as storage space, but I still can't open/interact with it.

It's a little TOO good to be true to have a farming game that matches all my criteria AND it's free. Honestly I'm flabbergasted. 1qintillion/10

Thank you!

this is literally so cute!!

I got an Axolotl and I could've consumed it-??? I mean sure yeah, they were used for medicine, that's why they're endangered blah blah but like still. 

Other than that, it's my go-to game when I was to settle down in fluffy blanket and wind down with a calm game <3

Sorry, it didn't meant to be consumed. I will check the code :)

Haha, alr. This game is my favorite game rn, means a lot that you replied! ^^

This game is super cute! I love how cozy and relaxing it is. 
On a couple of resets now I can't move forward because I just never got the fishing rod. Is there thing that triggers it? I tried going into the boat, in the house, near the water ect. 

also sometimes I can't open the chest no matter what I do. 

also how to rotate items? like a bridge

(1 edit)

Hello, I read that it says that saves are occasionally wiped for development purposes, but I cannot get my saves to stay at all. I am playing in browser mode so I am not sure if that affects it. Does it not save in the browser? Thanks in advance :)

I think you might have better luck if you download! Not sure if progress is meant to stay on browser mode, haven't used it though

Is there any way to drop items I found a shop on another island and bought star fruit seeds but my inventory was full. :

Nevermind found out how to

not all the sprite come from cup nooble asset pack did you make them or find them somewhere

Custom made by Cup Nooble himself

ahhhh cool um did you pay him and could you ask him if I can use them if it is okay with you

Paid ofc :D



How do I find the book in the basement?

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